FlowMattic Changelog

FlowMattic is developed with utmost care and passion. We continuously update the plugin with
new features and bug fixes, and the change-log is updated with every new update.

4.3.0 – 20 July, 2024

  • cURL Importer in Custom Apps
  • Option to import JSON data to Custom Apps as Body Parameters
  • AI Workflow Generator to help you generate simple workflows with just a prompt
  • Bulk execute tasks from Task History page
  • Bulk delete tasks from Task History page
  • Email Parser V2 with new email domain
  • Milliseconds and Microseconds time format in Date/Time formatter
  • Redirect action on FlowMattic Tools to redirect users to URL if supported by trigger app
  • Switch the workflow status on and off from the workflows page
  • Task history can be accessed from the workflows page action link
  • Filter hook to disable task history for specific workflow ( For Developers )
  • Added new method to execute workflow trigger for plugin developers
  • WordPress module got 4 new triggers based on User Role, and 1 action to search media by title
  • Email Parser can now accept the emails forwarded from Gmail and other providers where it converts email to lower case
  • Dynamic fields popup generation speed now improved by 50%
  • Implemented the Response and Request payload in task history for – Text Formatter, PHP Array, Number Formatter, Maths and Date/Time Formatter modules
  • Label for the Unix Timestamp in date/time formatter identify the correct output format
  • API requests based on XML request body can be made easily with Custom Apps now
  • Workflows admin screen optimized for the better UX, moved the Folders to the navigation panel for easy access
  • Workflow re-execution now adds the timestamp of re-execution time to the trigger data for easy reference
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.6
  • Date / Time Formatter modify date format sometimes causing issues with minimal options
  • Dynamic dropdown styling for time unit value option in Date/Time formatter was messed
  • WordPress action User Profile Field update was not working if the post is being edited and is post lock is triggered
  • Custom Apps – action data param toggle was not updating the state for existing actions
  • Install integrations not working on some shared hosting platforms, like GoDaddy, A2Hosting etc.
  • Copy action step settings to Router not applying the settings to API and relative modules if they already exist in the Router
  • WordPress module triggers mixing the content with other triggers, when capture data is in processing

4.2.2 – 22 Jun, 2024

# New
– Action: Post Meta Field Updated
– Action: User Profile Field Updated

# Improved
– Added a new function to get API values from dynamic tag as input in action steps ( For developers )

# Fix
– Date time formatter causing the date to displayed in 1970 due to invalid time format
– FlowMattic Connects not rewewing the access token for X ( Twitter ) sometimes

4.2.1 – 15 Jun, 2024

# Improved
– Get workflow status shows the workflow name as well in the response

# Fix
– Text Formatter > Text Between action not working on the content having new lines
– Iterator in Router causing issue with data mapping if the Iterator is not the first action in Router
– Action step numbers not showing correctly in Router if a step is added or removed using context menu
– Action step with custom app was not getting deleted in Router

4.2.0 – 12 June, 2024

# New
– XML Parser module to parse XML files
– Webhooks now shows the request headers in response
– Response filter hook for developers to update the response received from any webhook, before it is used in workflow
– Action: Modify Date Format in Date time formatter module
– Action: Calculate Age in Date time formatter module
– Action: Turn on workflow in FlowMattic Tools
– Action: Turn off workflow in FlowMattic Tools
– Action: Get workflow status ( Active/Inactive )

# Improved
– Added more time formats for Date Time formatter
– Added compatibility for some upcoming integrations
– Using Iterator within Router is now possible

# Fix
– Dynamic map toggle appearing for all input fields in some action steps where not required
– Dynamic map toggle not working well with required fields
– Task history page throwing PHP warning on PHP 8.3 if there’s a change in application or action event
– Email and WordPress post editor not holding the dynamic tag value if only dynamic tag is added without additional content.

4.1.10 – 24 May, 2024

# New
– Webhooks now accepts file uploads
– Number Formatter module to format numbers, currencies and decimals

# Fix
– Dashboard stats for task count missing the numbers

4.1.9 – 21 May, 2024

# New
– All modules will now have an option to map data in place of static dropdown field
– PHP Array new action to itemize the simple array that you can use in Iterator easily
– Text Formatter new action to get text between two strings
– API module now gives you raw response data to send the API response elsewhere
– WordPress – trigger page view based on post type

# Improvements
– Webpage parser can now scan the relative links as well
– Task History Re-execute now work flawlessly on all browsers
– Compatibility with PHP 8.3

# Fix
– Task history showing PHP Warning message for Scheduled workflow
– Assigning workflow manager role to admin user was not working in some WP setups

4.1.8 – 28 March, 2024

# New
– Triggers in WordPress module – Category Created, Tag Created, Term Created
– Actions in WordPress module – Update Category, Update Tag, Update Term

# Improvements
– FlowMattic Connects will now be able to work with your own apps for Oauth authentication
– API module will now display the endpoint URL and headers in the payload in task history

# Fix
– RSS Feed trigger causing duplicate entries in some Feed formats
– Iterator not working if the JSON has slashes wrapped within double quotes
– WP New Media action throwing error on live execution in latest version of WordPress
– Assigning workflow manager role to admin causing issues on multisite if child site has multiple admins
– Passing JSON array to DELETE method in API module not working due to data escaping

4.1.7 – 22 March, 2024

# New
– Option to ignore errors in action step. This will set the error status to success and also ignore the email notification
– New options for the “New Post” action in WordPress module to set post date, date GMT, slug and password

# Improvements
– Better handling the background queue processing for all integration requests
– Execute workflows when WordPress action hooks fired within the integrated plugins / themes
– Better handling of the RSS Feed triggers for the feeds having different channel items
– Added support for the future integration implementation based on the polling method for triggers

# Fix
– New WordPress actions sometimes not working in Live workflow execution due to action hook preference

4.1.6 – 15 March, 2024

# New
– Add Tag to Post Action in WordPress module
– Remove Tag from Post Action in WordPress module
– Add Category to Post Action in WordPress module
– Remove Category from Post Action in WordPress module
– Check Plugin Active Action in WordPress module
– Activate Plugin Action in WordPress module

# Fix
– JS error on workflows using schedule app trigger that preventing the workflow from loading in the editor

4.1.5 – 11 March, 2024

# New
– WordPress action to get all the users of a user role

# Improvements
– JSON response wrapped within double quotes can be correctly parsed in API and Custom Apps
– Added support for HTML content in variable values

# Fix
– Dynamic data dropdown not populating the data when the trigger app has events listed in sections
– JS error on trigger if previously used the plugin actions module in trigger and changed to different app
– Task history throwing PHP warning if trigger app using nested events with sections’

4.1.4 – 27 Feb. 2024

# Fix
– RSS Feed item creation not respecting the image field values correctly
– Webhook Response module – Custom JSON response not working correctly
– Error on Workflow editor screen if trigger app is changed multiple times
– PHP Array module action – Extract JSON not working on JSON with nested arrays if value contains double quotes

4.1.3 – 23 Feb. 2024

# New
– Option to redirect the user to custom URL after webhook based workflow is finished execution
– PHP Array action – Extract JSON Data to extracts JSON data as individual items
– WordPress action – Get Taxonomy by Name to retrieve the taxonomy details by its name or title
– Webhook Response action to set the custom redirect for Webhooks

# Fix
– Custom App Authentication failing on some apps due to strict checking of token type
– Webhook capture all data missing for GET requests to webhook URL
– REST API based webhook URLs not returning the custom response

4.1.2 – 21 Feb. 2024

# New
– PHP Array module action – New Line to Array to convert the data with new lines to an array

# Improvements
– Minutes delay execution on some server config

# Fix
– Workflow editor not loading for Scheduled trigger workflows

4.1.1 – 20 Feb. 2024

# Fix
– PHP warning for RSS Feed DB class if no feed is configured
– JS error on webhooks if app action is set but is undefined causing workflow editor go blank
– PHP warning – Attempt to read property “slug” on string
– Task history not showing workflows if the task history link in workflow editor is accessed

4.1.0 – 15 Feb. 2024

# New
– API Polling Module – you can now fetch the NEW records from different services, RSS feeds easily
– RSS Feed Trigger – Watch RSS Feed and trigger your workflow if new items are added
– RSS Feed Actions – Create New RSS Feed and add new items on the go, retrieve any RSS feed items
– FlowMattic Connect Compatibility for API keys input where base URL is required to connect
– Search function added to the Connect Integration modal in Connects
– Customization option for loading animation icon in chatbot assistant
– PHP Array action: Convert List to Array
– PHP Array action: Convert Array to List
– PHP Array action: Insert Value at Index
– Ability to call PHP Function as FlowMattic Variables value, eg. PHP:time() will call the time function and return its value
– Two new system variables for data and time in ISO 8601 format
– Webhook captured data now available as JSON in response, making it easy to forward the data received in Webhooks

# Improvements
– License update check for plugin update
– Access Control headers for webhook fallback method
– Text Split in Text Formatter now returns the results with empty string as well
– WordPress get post taxonomies response will now be more useful for mapping
– WordPress get post term response will now be more useful for mapping
– Iterator module can now accept custom JSON input for extraction

# Fix
– License expiry causing transient cache error on some servers
– WordPress new actions – Delete Media and Post Taxonomies were not preserving the mapped values
– Plugins Actions trigger hook name was not preserving the value
– Task history not showing the request payload for API step if the JSON data is mixed with slashes

4.0.2 – 6 Feb. 2024

# New
– Added Access Control Allow Origin header to webhook response

# Fix
– Webhooks parsing not working in conjunction with the new method on some hosting environments

v4.0.1 – 4 Feb. 2024

# Fix
– Chatbot Assistant name change on settings update issue
– Schema parsing not working in webhpage parser module
– License activation failing on some hosts

v4.0 – 4 Feb. 2024

# New
– FlowMattic Chatbot – Chatbot powered by OpenAI Assistant API
– Chatbot Module – Trigger your workflows with Chatbot responses
– FlowMattic Variables – New way to store and retrieve text data easily through workflows
– FlowMattic Tools Module – Do more with the core features provided by FlowMattic
– HARO Email Parser – Use email parser to parse the HARO emails
– Test Run Workflow feature to help you execute the entire workflow without leaving the editor
– WordPress multisite support for Email Parser module
– WordPress actions: Delete Media, Rename Media, Get Post Taxonomies, Get Post Taxonomy Terms, Get Post by ID
– WordPress triggers: New Page, Page Updated
– Rate limit error handling for API and Custom APP modules with auto retries for 3 times with 30 sec. interval each
– Webpage Parser module now includes – Heading Tags, Internal Links, External Links, Content without scripts
– Option to choose Webhook URL base – Regular and REST API based. Useful when there are issues with permalink based webhooks
– Option to set custom token type name for the Oauth based authentication headers

# Improvements
– Added option to fetch from database for the WordPress post and media triggers
– WordPress post and media triggers will have more data compared to previous response
– Added default response for the API requests where no response is generated by the service
– Custom Apps in Router will now work more efficiently while editing
– Custom Apps will be able to display the simple text response as well
– Custom App in Router not getting executed due to a technical issue
– Better handling of Cron registration for minute based delay
– Improved queue management for Webhook requests
– Better handling of boolean and number values of Custom App

# Fixes
– Delay in seconds within the Iterator causing data loss. You can now use the delay in seconds within Iterator
– Error handling for integration list retrieval if the license is not registered
– Possible fix for the issue where users were facing license key not active on the first time license activation on some WP Sites
– Custom Apps not being saved correctly in the Routers, if the name has special characters
– Multiple emails being combined if Email Module with FlowMattic Default is used within Iterator
– Filters not working when condition checked against HTML content
– Status page showing warning even if the permalink is set to have postname

3.2.1 – 1 Sept. 2023

# New
– Workflow search feature to sort the workflows by their name or app used
– Configuration to handle the Slack webhook challenge authentication

# Improvements
– Compatibility for upcoming PHP 8.3

# Fixes
– API module GET and POST requests not showing response if the response is just a single word string
– Email Parser module not accepting the response on servers having Mod_Security installed
– API parameters being converted to integer for float value

3.2.0 – 21 August, 2023

# New
– CSV Parser module to allow users parse any CSV file to JSON
– Webpage Parser module to extract data such as title, description, emails, social media, schema etc. from any web page
– Conditional Execution for Delay module

# Improvements
– Webhook response time will be almost instant for all requests if the request queue is enabled
– Iterator Storage as Array module now supports nested array through valid JSON data as value
– Webhook response will be captured even before you click the Capture Response button, and stored in temp. option to use later

# Fixes
– Webhook background processing causing conflict on PHP 8.2.x
– Custom App Compatibility with PHP 8.2.x
– Iterator not working for invalid JSON sent by webhook app
– Custom App with no connect causing conflict while executing the workflow
– Custom App setting for No Authentication was not being saved correctly
– License key not valid message due to cache

3.1.2 – 20 July, 2023

# Fixes
– Task history popup status display was wrong for response having “fail” status key
– API module throwing PHP warning for custom app with API key option in some cases
– Custom Apps install button issue due to the version numbers conflict

3.1.1 – 15 July, 2023

# New
– Added admin notice and update count for integration updates for FlowMattic integrations
– Task history update: Now you can see the request payload for the following applications

  • API module
  • Outgoing webhook
  • Router
  • PHP Functions
  • Filters
  • Custom Apps

– Option to set blocking on outgoing webhooks module – use it when you don’t need the response
– Option to set connect in workflow for custom app – use custom app with different accounts easily

# Improvements
– WordPress import media can now work for the OpenAI generated image URLs to import in your media library
– Task history task count bubble will display the complete number when the number is greater than 1000

# Fixes
– Task history details not showing the custom action step titles
– Task history not showing action step titles correctly for steps in router
– API module does not display response correctly with some APIs where the response is received as XML
– Custom App import throwing PHP warning if no connect is selected
– Custom App boolean option was not displaying the dropdown in workflow
– Custom App throwing connect id not provided sometimes

3.1.0 – 5 July, 2023

– New: License registration moved to a new admin page
– New: Workflow templates added to the dashboard to make it easy to get started
– New: Option to exclude the post content from Get Posts by Post Type action response
– New: Option to exclude the post content from Get Posts by Post Meta action response
– New: Option to exclude the post meta from Get Posts by Post Type action response
– New: Option to exclude the post meta from Get Posts by Post Meta action response
– New: Option to assign the category
– New: Option to switch from editor to preview mode in the HTML editor for Email and Post editor
– Improved: Dashboard UI improved, added connects and custom apps count and workflow templates
– Improved: API module will display the response as single JSON response if the response array is indexed and not associative
– Improved: PHP Functions module now returns the response in simple and JSON format as well to be used in Iterator
– Improved: Email Parser message text encoding
– Improved: Added support for the URL query param authentication
– Improved: Integrations sort navigation misplace the integration blocks
– Fix: Email with HTML code was being sent as HTML code instead of the decoded entities
– Fix: FlowMattic Connects access token renewal will now work for the integration based connects as well
– Fix: New line character issue with Google Sheet and some other apps
– Fix: Conditional execution not working with AND condition against boolean data check
– Fix: FlowMattic dashboard loader not getting hidden when jQuery is loaded in footer by some caching plugins
– Fix: Re-execute workflow not working if the response data has JSON that is being used for Iterator

3.0.2 – 23 May, 2023

– Improved: PHP Array get value by index can now get value from nested array index as well
– Fix:
Custom Apps – Body param encoding not working correctly for some apps
– Fix: Text Formatter Pattern escaping was causing conflicts
– Fix: PHP Array module having issues with reading JSON data
– Fix: PHP Functions module response data being escaped incorrectly
– Fix: Iterator module causing issues due to unescapped JSON data
– Fix: WordPress get posts action was causing conflicts due to double quotes in the post content

3.0.1 – 20 May, 2023

– New: Added an option to set no authentication for custom apps where app is being built for open API
– Improved: Workflow editor UI on smaller screens
– Improved: Integrations admin page UI on smaller screens
– Improved: Dashboard admin page on smaller screens
– Improved: PHP Array and PHP Functions module improved for JSON reading
– Improved: Updated the confirmation popup button text for disable core integrations
– Fix: Dynamic tags not working in maths and other modules where they are used with other strings

3.0 – 17 May, 2023

– New: Custom Apps – Feature that allows you to create custom integrations with your apps without writing a single line of code
– New: FlowMattic Connect – Feature to allow you connect any app that provides OAuth, Basic, Bearer Token or API Key based authentication
– New: Drag and drop feature for action steps. Re-order your action steps easily with just drag and drop
– New: API Module utilize the FlowMattic Connect to set the authentication
– New: Webhook request queue – simultaneous webhook requests are now queued and processed immediately one after another to avoid data loss
– New: Date and Time Formatter module to help you perform date operations easily
– New: Auto adjust dynamic tags on add or remove action steps to improve the UX
– New: Clone Iterator Route option added to make it easy to clone single routes
– New: Added numbers to the steps in workflow to easily identify them
– New: Iterator storage can now used multiple times within a single Iterator, and it does not store any data in your database
– New: Dynamic tags will be replaced with blank string if related key is not present in the response data
– New: Delay module can be used to set delay in seconds
– New: Search task history for failed/success status
– New: Task details popup shows which task has issues with status icons, so you can easily identify it
– New: Ability to add your own custom integration based connects ( for developers )
– New: HTML editor for the post content field in WordPress new/update post action
– New: HTML editor for email body content to make the email content easy to edit
– New: Option to set the iterator response in advanced format so the nested arrays will be returned as JSON
– New: Status page to check and troubleshoot common issues due to misconfiguration
– New: Option to Enable / Disable Core apps from integration page
– Improved: Task history search is much faster and powerful. You can filter results with date and search within those results.
– Improved: Admin UI icons redesigned with more meaningful way
– Improved: Admin UI for choose application dropdown
– Improved: Workflow execution process to update the executed tasks as they are finished
– Improved: Delay step execution while using Iterators in workflow
– Improved: Iterator module to handle multiple iterators in a single workflow flawlessly
– Improved: FlowMattic Workflow Manager user role having issues on some hosting platforms
– Improved: WordPress module new post action issue with post_excerpt not being inserted correctly
– Improved: TutorLMS plugin JS files conflicting with workflow editor
– Improved: Task re-execute functionality now supports JSON data correctly for the values
– Improved: Task history admin page will load slightly faster
– Improved: Error handling for the Filters module where date condition used, but the input date is not available
– Improved: FlowMattic admin menu removed from WP admin menu to fix the duplicate menus
– Improved: Better handling of boolean and numeric values for the API parameters in API Module
– Improved: API module PATCH method now supports custom JSON
– Improved: Maths module to do even more complex calculations. It also supports many PHP functions as well
– Improved: PHP Functions module now return the response of array as JSON object
– Improved: Dynamic tags replacement is now faster than before
– Improved: Context menu on single routes disabled to avoid confusion
– Improved: UI for add new action icon and the new action block
– Improved: WordPress action new / update post now accepts the Image URL for the featured image
– Improved: WordPress action new / update post now accepts email for the post author
– Improved: UI for the integrations page to display core integrations alphabetically and easy to identify
– Fix: Filters not working within Routers for certain conditions
– Fix: API module showing errors in status for 20x status codes, such as 201, 202
– Fix: API module PATCH method now supports the JSON content type through parameters
– Fix: API module throws error if the endpoint URL has empty space before or after the URL
– Fix: Outgoing webhook response with only single word throwing error while editing the workflow
– Fix: Filter not working properly if condition checked against HTML data
– Fix: Task history page PHP 8.2 Compatibility
– Fix: Conflict with dynamic dropdown opening if there’s an action step without the action event selected

2.3.2 – 24 Feb. 2023

– Fix: Text Formatter regex causing conflicts with the dynamic tags

2.3.1 – 22 Feb. 2023

– Improved: API parameters can now create nested json

2.3.0 – 22 Feb. 2023

– New: Option to get the response in advance format like JSON for nested parameters in webhook based triggers
– New: Ability to execute WordPress media functions in workflow
– New: Option to set the post featured image for add new and update post actions
– New: Option to set the post author for add new and update post actions
– Improved: API module can now generate nested JSON based on the parameter key and value input
– Improved: Text Formatter regex will now display all matching results
– Improved: PHP Array module can now read the JSON messed with slashes
– Improved: PHP Functions module can now process the array operations on JSON data as parameter value
– Improved: Compatibility with themes that load the bootstrap CSS in backend
– Improved: WordPress trigger for new post now compatible with plugins inserting the post via hooks
– Improved: WordPress trigger for update post now compatible with bulk update
– Improved: Action step can now be copied from router to outside router
– Improved: WordPress action to upload media can now accept files without extensions
– Improved: API endpoint URL input changed to textarea to easily manage long URLs
– Fix: Delay inside router causing issues when the delay until setting is used
– Fix: Outgoing webhooks causing error if the API url using self-signed SSL
– Fix: Task history page PHP warning for failed step on some hosts
– Fix: API Parameters are not saving on sites with slower AJAX response time
– Fix: PHP Warning if conditional execution is turned on for action step but no conditions provided
– Fix: Filters module not working correctly for “Exists” check if dynamic placeholder used
– Fix: Webhooks not receiving data for some tools due to different encryption type sent by them
– Fix: Dynamic dropdown throwing error when apps with grouped options are used multiple times in a workflow
– Fix: Iterator not accepting JSON with slashes
– Fix: WordPress module causing conflicts with user profile update action
– Fix: Re-execute workflow escape the JSON data correctly
– Fix: API parameters dynamic dropdown overlapping when add more button clicked
– Fix: Filter condition display value field for the exists and does not exists conditions
– Fix: WordPress user profile update trigger conflict with live data capture
– Fix: Dynamic tags dropdown does not open if no response is captured in some integration action step

v2.2.1 – 16 Nov. 2022

– Fix: WordPress new user custom password not working on some hosts
– Fix: API Module custom JSON block displayed on page load even if method is set to GET if it has data stored
– Fix: API key being updated by browser autocomplete and cause the API request fails in API Module

 v2.2.0 – 25 Oct 2022

– New: Email Parser trigger module
– New: Text Formatter action module to help you format text with different methods
– New: Counter module help you execute specific actions in a round-robin fashion.
– New: Added an option to add/update the post excerpt in WordPress post actions
– New: WordPress action to retrieve post meta by key or all
– New: WordPress action to retrieve user meta by key or all
– New: Option to add attachments to email in Email SMTP module
– New: Option to match equal number in Filter conditions
– Improved: User metadata on WordPress triggers and action now supports ACF user meta fields
– Improved: Outgoing webhook data encoding and sanitization
– Improved: Email module HTML encoding
– Improved: WordPress post action custom fields can now accept HTML text as well
– Fix: Webhook data capture not working for Pabbly webhooks
– Fix: Pagination in task history for date range filter
– Fix: Schedule trigger was not respecting the timezone
– Fix: PHP warning on some sites where empty action step is saved in workflow
– Fix: Task history PHP warning for workflows with no tasks in history

v2.1.0 – 27 Sept 2022

  • New: Webhook Response module to set custom and dynamic response to your webhook source
  • New: Maths by FlowMattic module to help you perform calculations on the data in your workflow
  • New: Iterator Storage module to save the data from iterator in string and JSON array format to use after iterator
  • New: Iterator End module to stop iterator after certain steps below iterator
  • New: WordPress trigger – Post/Page view can be conditionally executed based on the post ID from page/post or any custom post type
  • New: Expand / collapse all workflows in one click from the sidebar icon
  • New: Add Role action for WordPress to help you create user roles dynamically
  • Improved: Iterator will now return all the array items for single array instead of just the first array item
  • Improved: PHP Array module returns the data in more readable format
  • Improved: API module simple response is improved for better usability
  • Improved: Email notification for failed workflow execution now includes more information and the workflow link as well
  • Fix: Filter response will mention the status as success instead of error that shows the task as partially failed if conditions does not meet
  • Fix: Action hook firing workflow even after the trigger app is changed
  • Fix: Google Sheet to webhook not capturing data correctly if used Pabbly Google Sheet Add-on

v2.0.2 – 1 Sept 2022

– New: Added FlowMattic default option in email provider for better error reporting with PHP default mail function
– New: Simplified the workflow app icons display in workflows admin screen to display all the apps used in small popup
– New: Simplified the workflow app icons display in task history screen to display all the apps used in small popup
– New: Added support for SMTP plugins like FluentSMTP, WP Mail SMTP and other
– Improved: Workflow icons in workflow admin screen will display the app name on hover for better understanding
– Improved: Workflow icons in task history screen will display the app name on hover for better understanding
– Improved: Added action step title / action name in dynamic tag dropdown to get more info about step
– Improved: Dynamic tags dropdown now shows the steps with no response data for your reference
– Improved: Email module WP default now uses the default wp_mail function to send emails with default configuration
– Fix: Changing the field height not possible sometimes when the text reaches to the end
– Fix: Step count was wrong sometimes when the action step was inserted incorrectly
– Fix: Outgoing Webhook module conflict with the webhook URL click to copy functionality
– Fix: Filter conditions does not work if the key or value is a JSON data

v2.0.1 – 23 Aug 2022

– Fix: Insert before and insert after conflict in Router
– Fix: Paste settings sometimes not working in router
– Fix: Router steps conflicts with route steps execution due to wrong step number
– Fix: Delay Until date was conflicting with the timezone and resulting in wrong scheduling
– Fix: Delay not registering properly on some hosting environments
– Fix: Scheduler does not on weekends if scheduled to be executed at X minutes
– Fix: Custom action trigger issue on some servers due to PHP configuration
– Fix: PHP warning messages on FlowMattic dashboard if workflow saved with no steps
– Fix: Plugin Actions input not clickable in some browsers
– Fix: Webhook authentication was not turning off for capture response
– Fix: Plugin actions trigger was not firing correctly while in capture response mode


v2.0 – 15 Aug 2022

– New: Router module with ability to insert router anywhere in workflow
– New: Plugin Actions module to allow you execute triggers based on WP action from any plugin
– New: Search for task history feature
– New: Ability to re-execute any workflow in task history with options to modify the captured data
– New: Filters on integrations page to easily find the core, external, installed and update available integrations
– New: Filters on workflows admin page to filter workflows in Live and Draft mode
– New: Option to authenticate incoming webhooks for the webhooks app
– New: Option to set custom response in incoming webhook for webhooks app
– New: Added WP PHP filter flowmattic_webhook_response to alter the response being sent to the webhook source
– New: One click clone workflow is now possible on the workflow admin screen
– New: Custom description option for action steps for adding notes about the app and use-case etc.
– New: Workflow folders will be listed for easy selection in sidebar settings
– New: Added Simple Response option to API module to get the response in simple format
– New: Added an option to set auto password generation for new user action in WordPress
– New: Added an option to send new user notification email on new user action in WordPress
– New: Autosave feature – Now your workflow will be auto saved with every action and option change
– New: Option to schedule workflow every x minutes
– New: Option to copy webhook URL with just click on the webhook URL input
– New: Ability to set or remove multiple user roles from WordPress user with single action step
– New: History icon in the workflow editor sidebar to easily access the particular workflow history
– New: History page will show the applied filters with a remove filters button
– Improved: WordPress – New User action will return the existing user id if available instead of returning the error message
– Improved: Apps with single action event will get the action event selected by default to save your time

– Improved: Task history now shows the partially failed status correctly
– Improved: Option to set post category and tags in WordPress – New Post action
– Improved: Option to set post category, tags and post type in WordPress – Update Post action
– Improved: Integrations page responsiveness
– Improved: Custom step title can be more descriptive now with no text limit
– Improved: Workflow Import process with more clear message for imported workflow
– Improved: PHP Functions parameter type selection if used in multiple action steps
– Improved: Passed date and time message updated for Delay module
– Fix: Task filter results were not correct for date range
– Fix: Task history pagination was wrong after applying the filter
– Fix: PHP warning on dashboard and tasks admin page if too many task executions are recorded
– Fix: WooCommerce nonce causing conflict with webhook response on some sites
– Fix: Dynamic tags not available for Delay module
– Fix: Empty response causing the capture response button keep spinning for Outgoing Webhooks module
– Fix: Time recorded for tasks and workflow was not respecting the site timezone

v1.5.0 – 12 July 2022

– New: Conditional Execution for action steps. Execute individual action step only if conditions meet.
– Improve: Scheduled workflows cron will be registered for live workflows only
– Improve: Workflows scheduled will be unscheduled automatically after trigger app is changed
– Improve: Added dynamic tag icon to the Filter module conditions input
– Fix: User ID option title typo in WordPress module
– Fix: Delete Step popup being displayed if blank action step is saved in workflow
– Fix: Autofocus on search field for dynamic tags causing conflicts with editing
– Fix: Schedule trigger error on workflow save if hourly workflow execution is set

v1.4.2 – 28 Jun 2022

– New: API module can now send PATCH requests as well
– Fix: Webhook not parsing multipart/form-data requests correctly

v1.4.1 – 16 Jun 2022

– Fix: Generate dynamic tags dropdown causing conflict with other steps
– Fix: Task history displaying PHP warning for Pabbly Subscription Billing task
– Fix: PHP error on PHP Functions module if no parameters present

v1.4.0 – 07 Jun 2022

– New: Import and Export workflow feature
– New: Context Menu to perform more advanced actions on the action steps
– New: Clone Action Steps with the help of Context Menu
– New: Copy Action Step with its settings with the help of Context Menu
– New: Paste settings of a step from one workflow to another with the help of Context Menu
– New: Insert copied step before or after a certain step with the help of Context Menu
– New: Options to disable individual core integrations for users with FlowMattic Workflow Manager role
– New: WordPress page visit action now provides the HTTP Referer URL
– New: Ability to validate webhook for WhatsApp Cloud API
– Improved: Integrations admin page UI improvement
– Fix: Multisite site creation using WP_CLI throwing an error
– Fix: PHP error in create new media action for WordPress module

v1.3.0 – 16 May 2022

– New: User based workflows
– New: Ability to share workflow with any user
– New: Option to show/hide integrations menu from users with FlowMattic Workflow Manager role
– New: Option to enable/disable integration uninstall ability for users with FlowMattic Workflow Manager role
– New: Outgoing Webhook integration to help you send data to webhook from your app easily
– New: Workflows list will show the user icon to see which user it belongs to
– New: Stats about number of workflows, task executions and installed integrations on dashboard
– Improved: WordPress page view action now provides URL params to track visits
– Improved: Delay module value for delay until time can be dynamic
– Fix: WordPress trigger for page view not working properly sometimes

v1.2.0 – 08 May 2022

– New: WordPress action – Update Post
– New: WordPress action – Delete user
– New: WordPress actions – Add / Change / Remove user roles
– New: WordPress action – Create Tag
– New: WordPress action – Create Category
– New: WordPress action – Get user by email
– New: WordPress action – Get user by id
– New: WordPress trigger – User deleted
– New: WordPress trigger – User reset password
– New: WordPress trigger – User profile updated
– New: WordPress trigger – Post meta updated
– New: WordPress trigger – User delete a post
– New: WordPress trigger – User Login
– New: WordPress trigger – User visit page of any post type
– New: Filter workflows by the workflow status – draft or live
– Improved: Deleting integration will now pause the workflow using the app
– Improved: WordPress action for new comment includes data for taxonomies and post type
– Improved: WordPress actions for new post and update post includes the taxonomy data
– Improved: Backend loading speed by caching the database requests for FlowMattic
– Improved: PHP Array module can search for the multi-dimensional array as well
– Fix: Iterator for single array JSON causing conflicts
– Fix: Email module content encoding for languages other than english
– Fix: Dynamic tags in keys for repeater fields were not replacing the correct values

v1.1.0 – 17 Apr 2022

– New: Email module – send emails from your workflow using any SMTP provider
– New: PHP Functions module – Call any public PHP function and pass parameters from your workflow
– New: PHP Array module – perform array functions on the array data in your workflow
– New: Iterator module – Loop through the array items and execute following steps.
– New: Option to delete the installed integration if not in use
– Improve: Task history to display repeated tasks in Iterator
– Fix: PHP warning message on WordPress integration -> New Post action
– Fix: Conflict with double quotes in API secret/password field, causing the value being truncated while display
– Fix: Dynamic tags not available for the first action step if workflow starts with Schedule app
– Fix: Compatibility with UiPress plugin causing the dashboard being slightly hidden from admin menu side
– Fix: Piotnetgrid plugin conflict with workflow editor due to their JS loading everywhere

v1.0.3 – 07 Apr 2022

– Improved: Dynamic tag placement in dynamic key field will work fine now
– Improved: Option to delete the new action step block
– Fix: Step title rename feature was not working correctly
– Fix: API module causing conflict with headers and authorization
– Fix: Flickring issue when selecting the dynamic tags for the very last step

v1.0.2 – 17 Mar 2022

– New: Probooking integration
– New: Pabbly Connect integration
– New: OpenRead.io integration
– New: WA.Team integration
– Improved: Webhook capture is much stronger now to support the rawContent as well
– Fix: Conflict with API module header field display if switching the method with having headers set.
– Fix: The custom JSON field being hidden sometimes

v1.0.1 – 15 Mar 2022

– New: Forminator forms integration
– New: API module now have an option to add your custom JSON to be sent to the external API endpoint
– Improve: API module improved to make it easy sending nested JSON to API URL
– Fix: Conflict with WP-Reset plugin
– Fix: Workflow details sidebar overlapping on the buttons on small screens.
– Fix: License expiry date displaying in past causing confusion for lifetime licenses.
– Fix: Elementor form capture button not displaying

v1.0 – 13 Mar 2022

– Initial release