FlowMattic 2.2.0 released with big surprise, Check it out!

I’m sure you might be as excited as me about FlowMattic 2.2.0, which has a big surprise for everyone.

This was an unplanned release, due to the complexity. We’re working hard configuring the servers, deploying the builds, and doing back and forth with the development. Because we wanted to come up with a solid solution for everyone. Finally, it’s here. Let’s see what you will get in this release.

FlowMattic 2.2.0 New Modules:

Email Parser

Yes! You read it right. FlowMattic 2.2.0 introduces the Email Parser module, which helps you perform different automations when you receive an email.

There are a number of workflows you can automate and get most out of your emails. Here are some of the examples –

  • When you receive an email, you can create a WordPress blog post using the email body text.
  • When you receive an email, you can extract the email addresses from it and add to your mailing list.
  • When you receive an email with attachments, you can upload them to your Google Drive

The email parser will automatically extract some information for you, such as email addresses. FlowMattic will automatically upload the attachments from your email to your WordPress media library, so you can easily access them anytime you need.

The built-in CSV parser will automatically parse the CSV files in your attachments, and convert them to readable JSON arrays, so you can loop throw the data and execute different actions. Add your CSV data to Google Sheet one by one, or create contacts in CRM modules such as FluentCRM and FunnelKit Automations ( Formerly Autonami ).

Text Formatter

Text Formatter helps you perform operations such as capitalize, split text, URL encode and decode, transform to different text cases like uppercase, lower case etc., and get useful information such as emails and phone numbers from your text.

Currently, Text Formatter supports the following methods:

  • Extract Pattern
  • Find in Text
  • Replace Text
  • Split Text
  • Default Value
  • Truncate
  • URL Encode
  • URL Decode
  • Basic Formatting > Capitalize
  • Basic Formatting > Upper Case
  • Basic Formatting > Lower Case
  • Basic Formatting > Sentence Case
  • Basic Formatting > Remove HTML Tags
  • Basic Formatting > Extract Numbers
  • Basic Formatting > Extract Email Address
  • Basic Formatting > Extract Phone Numbers
  • Basic Formatting > Extract URLs
  • Basic Formatting > Get Length of String
  • Basic Formatting > Get Word Count
  • Basic Formatting > Trim White Space

Counter Module

The Counter module increases or decreases the set number whenever the workflow executes. So you can perform different actions based on the number, like sending WhatsApp messages to your team with Round Robin method.

Let’s see an example use-case of this module. Consider that you have three team members who are handling the leads generated through the contact form on your site. You can pass the leads to each team member equally. To do so, you just need to add the Counter module just after the trigger step, and set it to increase the number by 1. Then use a router to distribute the lead between your team members. Here’s how it will work –

  • When form submitted, counter value is 1, lead goes to member 1
  • When form submitted, counter value is 2, lead goes to member 2
  • When form submitted, counter value is 3, lead goes to member 3
FlowMattic 2.2.0 round robin illustration

And so on! You can do this everywhere you need to distribute the data as Round Robin method.

FlowMattic 2.2.0 Improvements

Along with the above new modules, FlowMattic 2.2.0 also includes improvements to help with your automations. Here’s the list of improvements –

  • An option to add/update the post excerpt in WordPress post actions. While creating or updating the post, you can now set the custom excerpt for the post.
  • WordPress module action to retrieve post meta by key or all. You can now fetch the post meta by key or all metadata. This also supports ACF Fields for the post.
  • WordPress module action to retrieve user meta by key or all. Similar to the post metadata, you can also retrieve the user metadata with a key or all metadata. This also supports the ACF Fields to user.
  • Option to add attachments to email in Email SMTP module. It is now easier to attach files to your email being sent from your workflow, using the Email SMTP module.
  • Filters help you control the flow. There’s now a new option to match an equal number in Filter conditions.

That’s not it. Please check the changelog for more detailed information on the improvements and fixes.

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